Spend the Day With Me
I get so many questions about what a typical day looks like for me, a collegiate athlete at the University of North Carolina. Whether it’s Instagram, TikTok, Twitter - you name it, everyone is always super curious about what it entails.
And while no day is ever the exact same, I am a fan of a routine more than not. Especially in the off season, the days fill up quickly. So, here’s what a very vanilla, Spring Monday looks like for me! (I’ll definitely have to revisit this in-season too!)

I. Alarm set for 8:30
I can’t complain. 8:30 AM is not nearly the worst time to get up in the morning - especially now with the sun waking me up! Gotta love a bright, Chapel Hill morning - and no 8AMs, phew!
II. Carolina Coffee Shop
My first class on Mondays and Wednesdays isn’t until 11:00 AM, but I usually either get up to run errands or get work done. I’d be lying, though, if I said I sometimes didn’t take advantage of pulling those blackout curtains and sleeping in.
Carolina Coffee Shop has been my go-to spot to get ahead on work for the week, get caught up with stuff that I missed from the weekend, and plan out what I need to get done on top of my expected obligations.
It’s always the perfect amount of busy while still allowing you to be productive. And I love starting the morning with a great cup of coffee and checking things off my To-Do list.
(I am very much a person who grinds during the week and needs the weekends to be weekends!)
III. Only Class of the Day
My only class on Mondays is MEJO 424 Media Management and Policy. I’m lucky this semester that I enjoy all of my classes.
The other classes I’m taking right now are Leadership in a Time of Change (LOVE), Branding of Me (my favorite), Earth’s Systems in a Changing World (a fun, crazy different elective).
IV. Fueling Station
After class, I head to the Fueling Station which is where athletes can go to grab some food even on the craziest of days. We get four “points'' to put towards snacks or lunch that are all “worth” a different amount. There’s so many options including PB&Js, protein and granola bars, tuna and crackers, fruit, pretzels and hummus, and so much more. There’s also a different “special” each week that’s super yummy and a bit more substantial.
It’s such a thoughtful spot that we don’t take for granted!! And Ms. Gwen is the absolute sweetest angel of a human who always brightens your day.
V. Practice
Today, we started out with debriefing film from our scrimmage over the weekend. I love film sessions because it is so beneficial to go back, see, and talk about what went down - good or bad.
Then, we took the field and had a great, medium-load practice. It was a bitttt chilly for my liking, but that just means you gotta work harder to stay warm ;)
We’re super pumped for another scrimmage this upcoming weekend before cheering on the Heels in the Final Four!!
VI. Lift
In the Spring, we practice Monday, Wednesday, Friday + weekend scrimmages sprinkled in. And we lift 3x a week after each practice. We love our strength and conditioning coach, James, and he’s great with pushing the limits to keep us strong and fit while also managing our load.
VII. Home
Immediately after lift, I was starving today, so I headed home and prepared a snack. Then, a nice, long shower was needed before sitting down to get some work done and getting my life in order for the next day.
I’ve learned that if I don’t do my work early on in the day or right after practice, my motivation to do it plummets. Another reason I need productive mornings!
VIII. Breakfast for Dinner
It was just one of those days. For some reason, I was craving protein pancakes and an omelet, but that’s honestly not a surprise because I could have breakfast for every meal of the day. I couldn’t resist!!
IX. Wind-Down Time
Finally, I’ve been loving getting in bed early and winding down. I’m also a huuuge movie/TV show person so need to make time for that. Also, if you somehow don’t end up in the black hole of TikTok at night, I envy you.
Regardless, I find that it’s so much easier for me to fall asleep - and I even get better sleep - when I make room for my body and mind to wind down.
X. Goodnight!
No one needs a cranky Erin, trust me.
”Tomorrow is often the busiest day of the week.” - Unknown
