Wonder Woman, is that you?
There’s so many different variations of “Mama.”
There’s “LESSGOMAA,” when you’re commenting on one of your girlfriend’s Instagram posts. There’s “Proud of you little mama,” when you’re encouraging a younger girl to keep up the hard work. And there’s my personal favorite - “mmMMAMAAAaaaAaAaA oooooOOOOooOooOo,” when you forget reality and become Freddie Mercury for a hot sec. (If you haven’t seen the movie Bohemian Rhapsody, we cannot be friends.)
But to me, there’s only one “Momma.”

So like, I can’t be the only one who thinks, “If it weren’t for my mom … there would be nothing stopping my life and my family’s lives from absolutely falling apart … ultimately leading to a zombie apocalypse and the Earth no longer spinning.” Right?
I honestly don’t think I’m being dramatic whatsoever.
“I don’t know how she does it,” is one of the biggest understatements for any mother. What they do is unparalleled to anything a dictionary or science can explain. And I’m fortunate enough to have a pretty great one on my side.

I definitely owe my mom for how many meetings she had to “take from the car” while being my chauffeur to and from practice. Or how many times I made her listen to stupid girl-drama, leaving her even more worked up than me. There’s definitely been one-too-many occasions where she’s helped me instead of easily letting me struggle on my own. And I literally owe her for how many times she - and her credit card - have been there for me.
She has taught me so much already, but I don’t think there will ever be a day that I stop learning from either of my parents. And Momma, even when you think I’m not listening or when I do a poor job of showing you that I am, know that I value everything you say and teach me.
I’m still trying to figure out the best way to say, “Thank you,” for all that she’s done and for giving me comfort in knowing that she’ll always be there for us.
At the very least, I do like to think I’ve introduced her to a couple more friends thanks to my shenanigans, including:
My Vice Principal, who she had to constantly talk to about my above-average total of excused absences when traveling with the US Team
My high school’s security guards and traffic directors who learned to recognize her car when she was early (of course) and there to pick me up to head to practice
The cashier at Spooky Nook who would ring her up and let her use the cafeteria wall outlets to charge her laptop while I was at training
And finally, literally anyone who needed help with getting something done because that’s what would happen … it. would. get. done.

Because of her, I am fierce, driven, and competitive - and probably a leeeettle bit too strong-willed sometimes ;). Because of her, I fell in love with a sport that is so much more than a sport to me. Because of her, there will always be a team that I can go to for anything. And because of her, I want nothing more than to someday have the chance to raise a daughter as well as she has, accepting that it’ll be a big challenge - and far in the future, Dad!
Momma, you don’t get nearly enough credit. Because if it weren’t for you, there wouldn’t be me. So, thank you.
“A mother is she who can take the place of all others but whose place no one else can take.” - Cardinal Mermillod
